$150,000 INSTANT TAX WRITE OFF on all our Up-Lift, Quick Lift and Low Level Access products.Take advantage of this extended limited time offer available now until 30 December 2020!For more information visit our AHI or Low Level Access website Tel: 1300 220 500 Email: access@ahilifts.com.my
Knox Grammar School Demonstration
Today we were onsite undergoing a presentation at Knox Grammar School. Here are some images showcasing the machine demonstration. At Access Holdings International we supply a large range of vertical access lifts as well as low level access ladder replacement platforms.
UC Machine Used in a Interior Design Warehouse
The UC machine being used in a interior design warehouse to safely reach plants and decor items off the tall shelves. The UC series is part of our Low Level Access equipment range which focuses on providing safe and secure working areas and minimize the risk of ladder related injuries.
UR8 Warehouse Demonstration
A demonstration of the UR8 machine being used in a warehouse. These machines are suited to industrial spaces and work as a safe ladder replacement option. All of our UR machines are apart of our Low Level Access range which provide a safer working environment than ladders and minimize the risk of injury.
Up-Lift UG16 at Molycop
The Up-Lift UG16 machine was used at Molycop to assist with electrical maintenance whilst the system was down. This machine made the task simple and efficient. At Access Holdings International we supply a large range of vertical access lifts as well as out Low Level Access ladder replacement platforms.
Customized Colour for the Sydney Opera House
We customized the colour of these UG30 machines to compliment the interiors in the Sydney Opera House. At Access Holdings International we supply a large range of vertical access lifts as well as our Low Level Access safe ladder replacement platforms.
Machine at The Kunlun Beijing Hotel
One of our Up-Lift machines at The Kunlun Beijing Hotel in China. At Access Holdings International we have a large range of vertical access platforms as well as our low level access range.
Machine at the Marriott Hotel in Beijing
One of our machines onsite at the Marriott Hotel in Beijing. At Access Holdings International we have a large range of vertical access platforms as well as our low level access range.
UGM at the Hong Kong Immigration Hall
One of our UGM machines at the Hong Kong Immigration Hall. The UGM series provides working heights from 5.9m to 8.2m. They come with non-marking tyres and are well suited for operation on level commercial flooring. At Access Holdings International we have a large range of vertical access platforms as well as our low level access range.
UGM at Taikoo Shing Shopping Centre
Our UGM machine being used at the Taikoo Sing Shopping Centre. The highly reliable European designed hydraulic system ensures platform ascent and descent is safe, smooth and fast, with up to 200 platform operating cycles before battery recharging is required. Find out more about our vertical access products and low level access range.